How should Christians react to doppelganger experiences?

I have been asked a lot of inquiries concerning various accounts in which individuals have expressed that they have witnessed a person who appears to be a "double" of the person they know. Exactly what does this imply? The idea that every individual possesses their own spirit duplicates is a myth that dates back thousands of years and can be traced back to ancient times. There are numerous cultures that have stories of this kind, and these stories may be found in their literatures, folklore, and other forms of storytelling. Currently, this kind of occurence is known as “doppelganger” A mid-19th century German word for “double goer” or “ghostly double” which serves as a replica for the second person who exactly looks just like you. We are not referring to individuals who looks the similar in their external physically features but those who are exactly the same in every physical form including behavior, face, and even movement. These apparitions appear to be silent, often with a sorrowful or serious look, and may be doing something. In the mid-nineteenth century, they coined the term "doppelganger" coming from a German folklore which means “double goer" or “ghostly double.” This is a ghost-like image of someone who looks exactly like the person involve. They even call this as their “evil twin.” We are not referring to living individuals who may share the same visible physical features, but to those who are identical in every bodily form, including voice, demeanor, face, and even movement. These occurrences are thought to be omens, bad luck, or even a harbinger of approaching death. It can sometimes lead to dark ideas or confusion. In this instance, the person with a doppelganger should not communicate with their "ghostly" counterpart. Those who think this will never leave the comfort of their own houses for fear of an accident. In reality, these supposedly "ghostly doubles" are familiar demonic spirits attempting to deceive people in this world and lead them away from trusting the Lord Jesus Christ. These spirits instill fear in order to undermine God's divine peace, which transcends human understanding. If a Christian believer receives such news, he or she should remain calm because the Lord is in charge of their life and situation. The evil spirits cannot cause you harm since you are always safe in the hands of the Beloved. You may also seize the opportunity to communicate the truth of the gospel with those who have experienced such events. You might utilize this moment to engage them in the truth of God's word and pray for them. See Lev. 19:31 (KJV); Psalm 18:2; 3:3; Isa. 54:17; Phil. 4:6-7
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